Ionut Danaila, Victor Kalt and Francky Luddens are back from Singapore, where they participated in the Thematic Program (September 30, 2019 - March 31, 2020): Quantum and Kinetic Problems: Modeling, Analysis, Numerics and Applications, held at the Institute for Mathematical Sciences (IMS), National University of Singapore (NUS). It was a great event, full of interesting and exciting scientific and social discoveries. We are all grateful to the lead organizers, and in particular to Weizhu Bao for the invitation. We aknowledge IMS & NUS for the financial support provided for our participation in this program.
Welcome to our new PhD students, both starting on October 1st, 2019.
➟ Read more Congratulations to Aina Rakotondrandisa who successfully defended his PhD thesis!
First of all, thank you to everyone present for this event. Speakers provided high quality talks, and participants helped with very productive discussions.
We updated the website with the presentations of the speakers. You can also take a look at the pictures taken during the seminar.
The yearly RMR (Rencontres Mathématiques de Rouen) will be held from June 19th to June 21th 2019 in Rouen and organized by the LMRS Numerical Methods and Applications Group. The theme of the workshop this year is Numerical simulations and applications. Workshop participants will include scientists working in the application …
A. Rakotondrandisa, G. Sadaka, I. Danaila, Computer Physics Communications, 2020. Download DOI HAL hal-02126697.
Congratulations to Corentin Lothodé and Francky Luddens for getting a new Young Researchers (PEPS) grant, awarded by the INSMI (CNRS) for the period February-December 2019. This project will enable new developments for the simulation of Phase Change Materials and new collaborations with colleagues from abroad.
➟ Read moreWelcome to graduate students Cécile Legrand and Ghaniyya Medghoul, who are joining us as Master2 interns.
➟ Read moreWelcome to Georges Sadaka, who is joining us as a PostDoc fellow!
➟ Read moreQUantum Turbulence Exploration by High-Performance Computing: funded by ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche)
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